The By-laws of the Regional Parks Association (RPA) are hereby amended in their entirety and replace in full the original By-laws of the RPA dated September 12, 1949, as amended from time to time.
- Officers of the Regional Parks Association shall be a President, a Vice President, a Secretary and a Treasurer. All shall be members of the Board of Directors.
- The Board of Directors shall consist of nine (9) members. A quorum shall be five directors. Action by the Board, or confirmation thereof, may be taken by a vote in writing.
- Duties of the officers and of the Board of Directors shall be those usually associated with their offices.
- There shall be three classes of membership: a) Member b) Life Member c) Honorary member
- Membership dues shall be
a) $20 per year starting January 1, 2006
b) life member $250
c) honorary members – no dues.
Honorary members shall be persons generally recognized as having made substantial contributions toward the objectives of the Association. Honorary members shall be elected by unanimous vote of the Board of Directors
- The fiscal year of the Association shall be the calendar year.
- There shall be an Executive Committee of the Board of Directors of not less than three members and such other committees as may be required, appointed by the President with the approval of the Board. The Executive Committee shall have the power to act for the Board of Directors in cases of emergency when it is impracticable to convene the Board, and such act or acts are subject to ratification by a majority of the Board at its next regularly scheduled meeting.
- The Board of directors shall be elected by the members of the Association at an annual meeting held for the purpose March or April from a list submitted by the nominating committee and from nominations that may be made from the floor at the annual meeting. Elections shall be effected by the majority of the members present.
- The Board of Directors shall be a continuing body. Each Director shall serve three years and until his successor shall have been elected and qualified. Three members shall be elected each year. Mid-term vacancies on the Board of Directors shall be filled by appointment by the remaining Board members for the unexpired terms. The President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected by the Board of Directors from its own members.
- Order of business at the business meetings shall be:
a) Call to Order
b) Approval of Agenda
c) Approval of the minutes of the last meeting
d) President’s report
e)Treasurer’s report
f) Old Business
g) Other matters as may be properly brought before the Membership
h) New Business
i) Election of directors
j) Program
k) Adjournment
- This Amendment and all future amendments of the By-laws shall be prepared by the Board of Directors, or submitted by petition of at least 25 members, and to become valid they must be approved by the majority of members attending the annual meeting, within the time limit, not less than 30 days, set by the Directors.
I, THE UNDERSIGNED, being Secretary of the REGIONAL PARKS ASSOCIATION, do hereby certify that the foregoing are the amended By-laws of Regional Parks Association , as adopted at the annual membership meeting of Regional Parks Association, held on the 17th day of April, 2005, by majority vote of all members at said meeting.
________________________________ Dated:April 2005_______________
Judi Bank,